
80+ Tombol Shortcuts Keyboard Yang Para Master Adobe Photoshop Wajib Tau

80+ Tombol Shurtcuts Keyboard Yang Para Master Adobe Photoshop Wajib Tau - Kamu orang desain yang setiap hari menggunakan aplikasi desain seperti Photoshop atau CorelDraw.

80+ Tombol Shurtcuts Keyboard Yang Para Master Adobe Photoshop Wajib Tau

Sekarang ini sudah banyak yang menggunakan aplikasi adobe photoshop mulai dari photoshop cs3, photoshop cs5 dan yang terakhir dan yang terbaru yaitu adobe photoshop cs6.

Walau harga photoshop cs6 bisa terbilang mahal namun banyak yang telah menggunakan aplikasi pengolah gambar yang satu ini.

Untuk kamu yang menggunakan aplikasi desain photoshop pasti mengalami kesulitan saat mengerjakan sebuah proyek dengan cepat karena semua menggunakan mouse untuk pindah dari satu layer ke layer lain.

Untuk itu bagi kamu yang menggeluti dan menggunakan aplikasi photoshop berarti kamu wajib tau mengenai kegunaan tombol shurtcuts yang bisa membantu kamu mempercepat pekerjaan kamu menggunakan aplikasi adobe photoshop.

Baca Juga 
200+ Tombol Shortcut Pada Keyboard Dan Fungsinya Yang Wajib Anda Ketahui

Tombol Shurtcuts Keyboard pada Photoshop

Kamu bisa mengikuti dan menghapalkan tombol shortcut pada photoshop di bawah ini agar pekerjaan desain gambar kamu dapat dengan mudah kamu selesaikan.

For File Handling

Command Windows Mac
Open a file from a folder Ctrl + O Command + O
Save a file with a new name (Save As) Shift + Ctrl + S Shift + Command + S
Save a file with new updates (Save) Ctrl + S Command + S
Close a file Ctrl + W Command + W
Close a file and open Bridge Shift + Ctrl + W Shift + Command + W
Make a new blank file / File New Ctrl + N Command + N

For File Navigation

Command Windows Mac
Fit image on screen Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
Zoom in Ctrl + Command +
Zoom out Ctrl – Command –
View / Hide extras Ctrl + H Command + H
Drag image with Hand Tool Spacebar drag Spacebar drag
Fit image in window Double click Hand Tool Double click Hand Tool
Rotate file Press and hold R and use stylus* Press and hold R and use stylus*
Reset rotation Press and hold R and choose reset from Main Menu Bar* Press and hold R and choose reset from Main Menu Bar*
Toggle screen modes forward F F
Toggle screen modes reverse Shift + F Shift + F

For Image Adjustments

Command Windows Mac
Image / Adjust / Levels Ctrl + L Command + L
Image / Adjust / Curves Ctrl + M Command + M
Image / Adjust / Hue Saturation Ctrl + U Command + U
Image / Adjust / Color balance Ctrl + B Command + B
Image / Invert (also with layers and masks) Ctrl + I Command + I
Accept image adjustment Enter Return
Cancel window without change Escape Escape

Working With Layers

Command Windows Mac
New Layer with window options Shift + Ctrl + N Shift + Command + N
Group layers Ctrl + G Command + G
Ungroup layers Shift + Ctrl + G Shift + Command + G
Merge selected layer down Ctrl + E Command + E
Create / Remove Clipping Mask Alt + Ctrl + G Option + Command + G
Add Layer Mask – Reveal All Click on Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers window. It looks like a square with a circle in the middle of it. Click on Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers window. It looks like a square with a circle in the middle of it.
Add Layer Mask – Hide All Alt + click on the Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers Window. Option + click on the Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers Window.
Invert Layer Mask Ctrl + I Command + I
New Layer via Copy from a selection Ctrl + J Command + J
New Layer via Cut from a selection Shift + Ctrl + J Shift + Command + J
Nudge what is on a layer by pixels Move Tool – use arrows on keyboard Move Tool – use arrows on keyboard
Transform what is on a layer Ctrl + T Command + T
Distort Transformation Box Hold Ctrl and stretch Hold Command and stretch
Rotate Transformation Box Drag up and down outside the box Drag up and down outside the box
Adjust size while constraining proportion Hold Shift and use corner points Hold Shift and use corner points
Change rotation axis point Move center point to the area you want to rotate around Move center point to the area you want to rotate around
Accept Transformation Enter Return
Cancel Transformation Escape Escape

Working With Selections

Command Windows Mac
Select All Ctrl + A Command + A
Deselect Ctrl + D Command + D
Reselect Shift + Ctrl + D Shift + Command + D
Select / Inverse Shift + Ctrl + I Shift + Command + I
Select All Layers Shift + Ctrl + A Shift + Command + A
Constrain Marquee to a square Hold down Shift and drag Hold down Shift and drag
Constrain Elliptical to a circle Hold down Shift and drag Hold down Shift and drag
Draw Selection from the center Hold down Alt and drag Hold down Option and drag
Constrain and draw from center Hold down Shift and Alt and drag Hold down Shift and Option and drag
Add to a selection Hold down Shift and add what you want Hold down Shift and add what you want
Remove part of a selection Hold down Alt and draw the part you wish to remove Hold down Option and draw the part you wish to remove
Nudge selection by pixels Arrow Keys – up, down, right, left Arrow Keys – up, down, right, left
Select Multiple Layers Contiguously Hold down Shift + select the top and bottom ones Hold down Shift + select the top and bottom ones
Select Multiple Layers non Contiguously Hold Ctrl + click on each one Hold Command + click on each one
Use Lasso tool over large area Hold down Alt while drawing Hold down Option while drawing

Working With Brushes

Command Windows Mac
Constrain Brush Tool to a straight line Hold down Shift and click points Hold down Shift and click points
Increase Brush Size Bracket key – right one Bracket key – right one
Decrease Brush Size Bracket key – left one Bracket key – left one
Choose Brush Opacity by % Number keys (1=10%, 2=20% etc) Number keys (1=10%, 2=20% etc)
Undo the last thing done Ctrl + Z Command + Z

Photoshop Tool Shortcuts

Command Windows/Mac
Move Tool Box V
Marquee Tool Box M
Lasso Tool Box L
Quick Selection Tool Box W
Crop and Slice Tool Box C
Eyedropper Sampler Ruler Tool Box I
Healing Brush Tool Box J
Brush Tool Box B
Clone Stamp Tool Box S
History Brush Tool Box Y
Eraser Tool Box E
Gradient Fill Tool Box G
Dodge Burn Tool Box O
Pen Tool Box P
Text Tool Box T
Path Selection Tool Box A
Shapes Tool Box U
Hand Tool H
Rotate Tool R
Default Color Box to black and white D
Exchange foreground and background colors X

Baca Juga 
8 Aplikasi Alternatif Visio Gratis Dan Power Full Untuk Kamu Gunakan

Jika kamu ingin jadi master photoshop berarti kamu wajib menghapal 80+ Tombol Shortcuts Keyboard Yang Para Master Adobe Photoshop Wajib Tau.

Alasannya dengan menggunakan tombol shortcuts ini pekerjaan kamu akan menjadi jauh lebih mudah.

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