
How to install software in Linux OpenSuse Terminal

How to install software in Linux OpenSuse Terminal Good afternoon on this occasion I will try to explain How to install software in Linux OpenSuse Terminal. Opensuse is one of the Linux distributions derived from Red Hat , with extension .rpm format linux application and to install the application via the command line terminal we can do the following way .

How to install software in Linux OpenSuse Terminal

1.If we want to find an application that is already installed ter please type this command in the terminal
zypper search aplicationname
2. If you want to install the application from the internet.
zypper install aplicationname
3. To Remove applications typing the command
zypper remove aplicationname
4. To see the commands typed zypper
 zypper install --help
5. If you want to install applications that have been downloaded
zypper install /path/to/manually/downloaded.rpm 

6. To check the version of the application is installed
rpm -q MozillaFirefox 
7. Untuk cek list dari file yang di install dan digunakan
rpm -ql amarok 
8. To check the ownership of the installation package 
rpm -qf /usr/bin/firefox
9. To check various information from the package is installed
rpm -qi --changelog MozillaFirefox 

well that is a little information about How to install software in Linux OpenSuse Terminal , hopefully the blogger friends who use opensuse can make additions to their favorite apps in linux

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